Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Trout Are Coming!

I do not know much about trout.  I have never been a fisherman. I have never had a fish tank or a pool to take care of.

I do know that in a few short weeks I will have an entire tank of over 200 trout eggs to care for until the spring thaw, and their subsequent release into the open waters of a serene, slow-moving stream in Bethel, Connecticut.

By a show of hands the more than half of the students in my class have been in charge of taking care of their family fish tank or have lent a hand to their parents while testing the waters of their pool.  That's a relief.  Their body of knowledge will surely be helpful in this process.

There are a great deal of things to learn.  I look forward to learning from my colleagues, students, and anyone else who cares to bestow their knowledge of the "salmo trutta" on us.

Trout Unlimited of Connecticut has provided the supplies for this program.  My great colleagues Mrs. Mancher, Mr. Neeb, Mr. Stentiford, and Mr. Roodhuyzen, have offered their supplies, knowledge, and kindness in helping our cluster get up to speed with this wonderful program.  

My cluster has participated in the past , but as more of an experiential field trip.  Now we will have the opportunity to get our hands dirty (wet) in the real scientific process.  We will be caring for this fish right in the classroom.  We are excited and a bit nervous.  No, the kids are excited. I am nervous. 

Trying something new can be a bit scary.  Isn't that when the best learning happens?  

Bring on the fish!  

Wish us luck.

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